Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If the Inmates Run the Asylum

Even though I am a conservative, even I have to admit there is a loony right wing fringe:
“Obama is a Muslim.”
“The income tax is unconstitutional.”
My personal favorite:
“Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare.”

But there is also a loony left:
“The previous administration should all be shipped off to the Hague to face war crimes charges.”
“It’s the government’s job to provide everyone with a minimum income. And unlimited healthcare. And housing.”
“We should unilaterally disarm and shut down the Pentagon, then take the money we save and give it to the poor.”

The thing is, the right wing is the side of the debate that argues for limited government. The left wing proposes more government intervention as the solution to almost every problem.

You can be as crazy as you want in your own home, and I’ll still sleep well at night. But give the crazies access to the machinery of the state, and a license to expand the state’s power and reach, and that’s when I get scared.

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