What a difference a month can make. This time last month the Republican party appeared to be self destructing, having taken the blame for both the government shutdown and nearly causing the US to default on its debt.
Now, the debacle around Obamacare’s healthcare.gov website is controlling the news cycle, day after weary day. I’ll bet that at the White House, it is all hands on deck. Everybody coming in every day, preparing for twice daily briefings on the status of Obamacare’s launch. Too bad none of the staffers can actually do anything constructive about fixing the problems.
The latest wrinkle is that the President has decided that he won’t enforce the law mandating certain levels of coverage, if the insurers would like to rescind some of the cancellations they have already sent out.
See, now you can keep your coverage if you like it, just like the President has been saying all along!
You have to wonder what the state insurance commissioners and insurance companies think about that. Did anybody ask them? Or is the spin machine getting geared up to blame the insurers for all the people who will lose their insurance coverage next January if the website is not straightened out?
One of the ironies of this situation is that Obamacare, which was intended to increase the number of people paying for health insurance, may end up significantly reducing the number of insured in this country.
Another irony is that the Republicans went to the mattresses trying to defund, or at least delay the implementation for a year. I’ll bet Harry Reid wishes he had done just that, right about now.
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