Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not working, and not looking for work

Whenever I read anything about the unemployment rate in this country, it usually includes the caveat that the official statistics for unemployment only include people who are looking for a job. There follows a comment to the effect that the true unemployment rate is actually higher, because people who have gotten discouraged and quit looking for a job are not counted.

I can never quite figure out how that works. If you've "gotten discouraged" and "quit looking for a job," the implication is that you have no income, and you are not actively seeking income. The implication of the articles I read is that there are a lot of these people.

What do they eat?

I wake up hungry every morning. Furthermore, approximately six hours after my last meal, I can predict that I will be hungry again. As far as I can tell, we are all in the same boat.

Now, there may be some hunter-gatherers living out in the bush in Alaska who provide all their subsistence from foraging, but the rest of are getting our calories in the form of groceries from the supermarket. That takes money.

I'm also addicted to electricity. When I turn that switch, I for sure want the lights to come on. Okay, maybe I can get by without the lights, but by God that TV better come on. Now the discouraged people without jobs might be able to get off the electrical grid. All it takes is adopting the lifestyle of a medieval peasant. But I can't think of any way that somebody can beat their own metabolism.

And yet we are supposed to believe that large numbers of people are dropping out of the labor force. I just wonder how they make that work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allow me to be your blogs first reader and commenter. Total hogwash! But well written.