Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Qualitative Easing Explained...Twice

There is a service that takes text and converts it to simple animated video. Here is one that has been making the rounds. It is quite critical of the Fed's move towards quantative easing (AKA pumping money into the economy). The deadpan delivery of the computer generated voices makes it hysterically funny.

The video above got enough play to cause somebody to generate a response in the same format:

It is not as funny as the first one, but probably a little more balanced. I still think the Fed is playing with fire by running the printing presses.

1 comment:

Mark Only said...

I thought the video brought up an interesting point about the fact that governments printing huge quantities of their own currency are usualy on the verge of an economic collapse. With that being said, how much longer will the dollar be the global currency? There was an article in the WS Journal a while back about this subject that I found interesting. Here is a link. i