Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Afghanistan Troop Surge

President Obama went on television tonight to announce a major expansion of the US forces engaged in Afghanistan. The US will be sending 30,0000 more troops in the very near future. Troop levels will stay high for up to three years, although the President promised that he will start withdrawing US forces no later than 2011.

Although Obama did not label it as such in his speech, this looks essentially the same as George W. Bush's "surge" into Iraq. This is kind of ironic, because Senator Barack Obama was on record as strongly opposed to expanding the US military presence in Iraq at that time.

By the time the surge in Afghanistan is complete, the number of troops will have doubled from the level they were at at the beginning of the Obama administration. Make no mistake about it, an increase of 30,000 troops is a major military push.

If you're very quiet, and you listen very carefully, far off to the northeast you can hear a tiny popping sound.

That's the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize committee. The one's who just awarded Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

Their heads are exploding.

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