Thursday, September 24, 2009

Off Topic Post

I watched the new Courtney Cox comedy, Cougar Town, last night. The set up is a 40 something woman reentering the dating scene after divorce. It is sharp, well written comedy. I’ll make a point of watching it again.

It’s odd what your subconscious will throw out. I woke up this morning with the following thoughts crystallizing in my brain.

In my younger years, before I met my wife, I would periodically go out on dates to expensive restaurants. On these excursions, I would invariable pay, and I would invariably not get lucky.

It occurs to me that this was the singles equivalent of hanging a pork chop around the neck of the ugly baby so that the dog will play with the kid. “You’re going to pay for dinner? And I can order anything I want? Okay, I’ll go out with you.”

Eventually, I did meet my wife, the one woman in North America who looks at me and thinks “wow, this is it.” She is a rare creature, as the taste for short, scrawny, balding geek is not universally shared in our culture.

Anyway, if I could take back all the lobster dinners I bought without romantic success, I’d be two house payments ahead, and whole ocean ecosystems would have been saved.

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